印刷和紙美紋紙膠帶(Designer MASKING TAPE)采用優質的和紙為基材,采用獨特的印刷工藝,采用進口壓克力壓敏膠,經涂布收卷而成。膠帶表面可書寫,可移位粘貼不殘留膠。采用精準的分切設備進行分切。膠帶適于設計師工作室,禮品包裝,文具辦公,裝飾裝璜,文件檔案分類標注,記錄頁面分類標示,商品包裝封口,鮮花包束,面包蛋糕包裝,婚車喜慶粘貼禮花,兒童中小學生手工制作智力開發,模型設計初稿等用途。MIETTO系列產品符合ROSH環保要求,膠體不易掉(脫膠),對被貼表面不破壞,可反復粘貼,多種花款裝飾您的心意,美化你的作品,更能表達您對美的追求。更多創意任你發揮,親 快快行動吧
MIETTO products conform to the requirements of the ROSH environmental protection colloid not easily off of the surface without destroying can paste a variety of flowers to decorate your mind over and over again.And paper tape series products provide you with colorful packaging ideas,more can reflect the personalized style,one color ,a pattern in your wisdom in infinite can be provided according to customer design or requirements,specifications,printing production of this product is suitable for gift pactioneery pffice,handmade decoration decoration,model i design such use adhesive tape on the surface of the draft of the writing is not bad glue